Saturday, April 3, 2010

Journey On relaxation exercise

Well, I found this exercise to be very interesting.

I actually am freezing now that I have walked away from that comfortable spot.

I laid on my bed (with my dog) and listened to the exercise. I was laying on my left side with my knees tucked. My arms got warm but mostly my hands were hot. I was really in tune with the relaxation until I heard my dog snoring. It was kind of funny when I tried to lift my hands and he was right; I didn't want to move them.

Taking myself back and letting all of the blood flow go back to my abdomen was a little tougher to do. I am really feeling cold and no warmth at all now that I have stopped the exercise.

It really works when you focus your mind on one thing.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I too am freezing now! He said that the warmth would stay, but it did not seem to do that for me.

    It is amazing how much the mind can do! Just with him suggesting something to do, before I even thought it myself, my body was already starting to do it on his own. Very interesting! And his voice was super relaxing.
