Saturday, May 29, 2010

How sad our final unit

I am being asked to re-evaluate what I wrote in unit 3 project. First is my physical in unit 3 I rated myself a 3. I am still over weight but I feel I have new avenues to turn to and after visiting with a biofeedback therapist; I feel I am on my way to changing that. So I am going to rate myself a 5 because of my positive attitude towards my goals. LOL Really I do feel like this has improved some. I have worked up to five days a week at Curves and adding a little of my own dance moves to the mix.
My spiritual - I had rated it a 5 in unit 3. I would now say that is a 7 because I have been meditating and it has really help me to get in touch with the Lord and myself.
Psychological I rated myself a 7 and I am leaving that. I still think I am sane!
I think my scores have changed because of the new things I have learned to help me be of mind, spirit, and body. I had to post questions, I kept forgetting. LOL
I have improved in my goals. I have started more exercise and I have found more time during the day to meditate and get to know more of what makes me tick.
Have you implemented the activities you chose for your well-being in each of the three areas? Explain. I have implemented some changes and because of this class I have gone to see a biofeedback therapist to see what she could tell me about what I was doing about me and she helped me to see some things. I would have never done that before this class..I would have been skeptical.

Summarize your personal experience throughout this course. Have you developed improved well-being? What has been rewarding? What has been difficult? How will this experience improve your ability to assist others?
I have enjoyed myself in this class tremendously. I didn't think it would have that much of an effect on me but it did. It has helped me to see so many avenues of my health and I am going to take advantage of each one of them.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

project 9

I guess I don't have any more space unless I buy some. So I am just going to post in here my project. Sorry it doesn't look right.

Personal Application of the Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing - Project
Laurie Haynes, HW420 – 02
Kaplan University

Why is it important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically? What areas do you need to develop to achieve the goals you have for yourself? Integral health can only be known and achieved through the development of our inner life and our inner healing capacities. If we want a more profound health and life, we must believe in its possibility and then learn how to develop our consciousness. The movement we start to seriously invest in growing our inner life and acquiring its natural healing resources, we simultaneously step out of our ordinary ideas about health and begin the climb toward the treasures at the summit of extraordinary health (Dacher, 2006). The number one thing that health and wellness professionals and patients need to understand is everything is connected and each part is used to help the other part function. Our body is connected to our mind and our mind is connected to our spirit. It is basically one functioning piece but a focus on each individual part also needs to be performed. Each individual has their own uniqueness about them. The mind/body approach to healing recognizes the role of anxiety, stress, and other mental factors in the development, perpetuation, and recurrence of illness. As these factors are explored, it becomes possible to tailor a series of mind/body approaches such as psychotherapy, relaxation techniques, yoga, and biofeedback (Dacher, 2006).
The area that I need to personally develop is physically. I am over weight and worry about the belly fat I carry around. I have been thinking about it for quite some time and I have developed a plan; thanks to this class.
How have you assessed your health in each domain? How do you score your wellness spiritually, physically, and psychologically? My physical well being is below average (3). I am over weight but I am taking steps to make that go away. The company I work for believes in a healthy employee and I am starting to really think about my health. I have been going to Curves at least 3 or 4 times a week and I am starting to eat right. I believe it is never too late!
My spiritual well being is intact and I would say I am average (5). I thank God every day for being alive and for all of the things I have. I have a wonderful family and a good job. I pray every day but I do not go to church. I am a Catholic, born and raised but I really don't believe in everything they had to say; I feel the same with the Baptist religion. I know who my maker is and where I am going and that is good enough for me.
My psychological well being; that is a tough one. I believe I am sane enough! (7) I do harbor some feelings about things that I could let go of and possibly even share. I do feel my scores will improve the more I continue with the studies I have learned within this class.
List at least one goal you have for yourself in each area, Physical, Psychological (mental health) and Spiritual.
My goals:
physical: I plan on stepping up my exercise plan and eating plan. I started Curves and recently built myself up to four days a week for exercise and sometimes I go five days a week. I have now got two other ladies from work going with me. The buddy system really helps. Spiritual and psychological: I feel these will go together. I will sit for 2 times this week and try some meditation. This was a goal I had set for myself when we did this assignment for the first time. Unfortunately, I have not been able to commit to this goal. I have however been able to steal many times during the day to close my eyes and reflect. I have even been able to do this during my work outs and been able to focus on the part of my body the machine is supposed to work. My ultimate goal is to be able to have a class for myself once or twice a week. I did purchase my very first yoga DVD. It is Ann Smith, inhale, exhale, stretch, and move. I am very anxious to get started on it.
These goals can be achieved by me putting my mind to it and not setting myself up for failure. I have to push myself to make sure I do achieve the results I want. I have written my goals and placed them on mirrors and at my desk so I will not forget them. I am hoping to train my mind with the notes. I have been more aware of what I am putting in my mouth and I have been recording as well. However, I am so burned out on it and quite frankly, I am exhausted. I am working on other avenues. (Haynes, 2010).
I have really enjoyed the relaxation assignments throughout this class. The ones I have liked best are the ones the professor has done with us in seminar. I especially like the animal spirit one. That is the only one I can’t get out of my mind because I actually had an experience through that one. I thought it to be truly amazing! I am currently looking for a CD that will walk me through some of those. The CD we got with the class is a little messed up and although I like some of it, I would rather have more on the animal spirit and the person that I see as the most wise in my life.
I also have one more goal and it is a new one for me. One day ago, I went to visit a biofeedback therapist. It was very interesting listening to what she had to say. She addressed three major issues of me and what was weird is she wasn’t telling me anything I didn’t already know. Of course, she gave greater detail and I learned a lot. She gave me quite a bit of information for me to work on my problem areas and I am going to pursue changes to the fullest of my capabilities. I am anxious to get started.
What strategies can you implement to foster growth in each of the following domains; Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual. Provide at least two examples of exercises or practices in each domain. Explain how you will implement each example.
I believe integral health is something I can fit into my daily life. In order to do that I need to focus on each domain individually but also know that each will intertwine with each other. First and foremost, I think continuing on my physical domain will be best for me. It is almost the leader of the three domains. If I am thinner then I will be happier, for many reasons but mostly because I will not have health issues. The two examples of exercise will be continuing at Curves. The workout is fun and the other women bring companionship and friendship. Relationships like that should be in every person’s life. They help one to be on the path to integral health. The second exercise I will be focusing on for my physical domain is yoga. I will be starting the new DVD I mentioned above. I am striving for two classes a week. In order to implement these changes into my life I will go to Curves during lunch. This will help me to say “no” to going out to lunch with the girls and blowing my days worth of calories on some fatty food. As far as my yoga class goes, I want to have a gym bag ready with clothes for me to change into. That way when I get home, I will know it is time to get ready for class and I will plug the DVD in and do my class. I will need to write the class time in my planner so I will remember and know what I have to do that night and not plan anything else around it.
Since my physical domain will have some control over my psychological domain it will be crucial to work on this area next. I have already incorporated some strategy to this domain. I will continue to have my massage therapy twice a week. In order to really relax through my massage therapy, I will light my fountain and listen intently to the water running through the candles, I will have relaxing type music playing in the background, and I will close my eyes and think of either my animal spirit or just concentrate on my breathing throughout the stone massage that I will be receiving. All of my body will be relaxed and calm. The second practice I will put into effect is to find a CD that will help me to walk through relaxation exercises. I am looking for one that does the same the professor did for us in seminar. I will do this at least twice a week as well and maybe even incorporate it into the yoga class I will be setting up for myself.
The third domain is a harder one to foster growth in. I am not a church going person. I do however, believe in the Lord and know that what I have is because of him. I don’t really intend on implementing going to church for the sake of growing in this domain. However, I do pray every day. I talk to the Lord on a daily basis and not just to ask for help but to also just say thanks for all he does for me and my family. I believe that meditation is a way to foster growth in the spiritual domain and I will do this when working on my yoga and my relaxation exercises. I believe all of these domains go together and doing any of these practices or exercises is going to foster growth and help me to become one with me.
How will you assess your progress or lack of progress in the next six months? What strategies can you use to assist in maintaining your long-term practices for health and wellness?
One way that I will assess my progress, is to post my goals in places that I will see them. This will help me to remember what my goals were and it will be a constant reminder of my progress. Growth in the domains of physical, psychological, and spiritual is to start a journal of my daily activities. Just writing my thoughts will help me to see where I need to work and it will also show my progress over time. I want to continue to see the biofeedback therapist and try the suggestions she makes as well. I will implement the changes she says I need to do to make me a better and healthier person. Long term practices in health and wellness will be to stay involved with it. Find knowledge and information from others. Read books on it and try new things. The key is to be open-minded.
To sum it all up, integral health is an important part of everyone’s health and welfare. It takes all areas of the body to help make the mind and spirit work. It is about recognizing what I need as an individual and acting upon it. Knowing my mind, body, and spirit will help me to give loving-kindness when needed and to be more aware of what I need as well. I have listed a few items that I will be working on in the future and since the book was so interesting, I am sure I will read it again.

Dacher, E. (2006). Integral Health. The path to human flourishing. Location: Basic Health
Publications, Inc.
Haynes, L. (2010). (

Monday, May 17, 2010

Unit 8 my choices

I have enjoyed all of the exercises we studied in this class. I have to say the most beneficial one that will help me most in my personal and professional life is the loving kindness. Let's face it, in our professional lives there are always people that are going to frustrate us and make life a little difficult to get through the day. By stopping and thinking about loving kindness, I am able to put it all back in perspective. That is important when working with others because you can't be fighting and arguing like in high school. It is just too unprofessional. The other exercise that will help me the most in my personal and professional life, is the subtle mind. Witnessing mind helps to keep the focus. There are many distractions in both the personal and the professional life. Calm abiding helps the mind to stop racing and be more on a stillness level. Then with unity consciousness I am able to bring it all back in order.

The examples I can give are dealing with some of the women I work with. some days it is all about constant complaining and whining and it can wear on my nerves. I take a few minutes to think about loving kindness because I should not get upset with them.
With subtle mind the example I can use is my life itself. I am busy and some days I feel like I am being pulled in many directions. Being able to focus and bring it all into perspective helps to get things done that I need to do and not feel so stressed.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Unit 7 - exercise 4

Part 1. "Meeting Ascipeius"

I sat and listened to track #4 at least twice this week. The first time I wanted to just hear what it was like before I sat and meditated on it. I was actually a little freaked out by the vision light coming through the eyes and the throat part. That just sounded like a scary movie. I guess because I don't like scary movies; when it came to the meditation portion, I have to admit that I didn't really vision any light eluminating through the eyes or throat. However, the experience was not wasted; I thought of my father-in-law. He passed away in July 2001. I looked to him for many answers when it comes to my husband, he is a complicated man with many family issues. I really miss him and so this lesson brought back many memories of him. The way this exercise could help me to foster greater health and wellness is to remember the good times with dad and all of the memories I still carry. These make me happy and so when I feel stressed, I could think of them and then I would feel happy again.

Part 2 - "One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself"

Basically, it means unless you have experienced something for yourself; you can not teach it to others. You must have experienced it and understood it before you can show it to others. This does reflect on the health and wellness profession because people want to follow someone who has experienced or practiced what they are trying to teach. I personally think any health care professional that is going to teach psychologically, physically, and spiritually, should have stories or lessons in the subject before they can pass the information to someone else. To implement these teachings into ones life it has to be worked on and practiced. If there is no practice than a person can not grow in the profession.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Universal loving kindness and integral assessment

Well this has been a very trying week for me. I had to go to the doctors due to issues with my leg and I will be going Tuesday for an ultrasound to make sure I don't have a blood clot in my leg. I know I don't and will be working on the biological quadrant this week. Please keep me in your prayers. I have also been struggling with losing weight seriously since January and I am not seeing quick results there (I hate being over 40!!). So, my focus on growth and development is to not only push myself more in my physical workouts but to spend some time with my mind and spirit to help my body, if that makes any sense.
Secondly, I received some bad news from my brother yesterday; he got married to a woman that no one in the family likes. She is trashy and very unstable in her mind. So, I will be focusing on the phsychospiritual and the interpersonal quadrants as well. This is about "I," it is something I need to deal with. It is his life and he has to do what he wants and live the way he wants. He is my brother and I love him and now I have to find someway to accept her as well. This will be a difficult task for me since she has written on face book that her and her mom and dad would rather kill my brother than have him ever date her again; and now they are married!!
The exercise helped me to realize that I am a hard person when it comes to not getting what I want; in my case, not losing the weight fast enough and not wanting my brother to have anything to do with this woman. Let me just be honest, it will take many sessions of going within myself to over come these issues!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

power point

Subtle Mind

Well just like many of you, my CD was messed up as well. I am not sure I will even get to hear the fourth one. So, I too had to make it up as I went along.

The start of this section began with me breathing and focusing on the rise and fall of my chest because that seemed more natural to me. I could hear the ocean and instantly my breath fell in line. The ocean is so calming, I continued to see my surroundings. The waves, the rocks, and a natural calming came over me. Then all of a sudden this awful loud scratching sound pierced through my calmness and my heart raced (I have a slight heart murmur) I all of a sudden felt like I was in a scary movie and when I opened my eyes I could see my disc was not playing right. It was kind of scary though when you are that calm and are ripped from it by something like that.

I sat for a few more moments and tried to get back to the calming state I was in but my focus was not the same. All I could see is blackness, a calmness still but only blackness. I guess that is what the CD can do for you. It helps the mind get to the place where you want to be. If I could spend my life on the beach; I would.
Comparing this experience to the loving-kindness experience of course is difficult since I was not able to perform the subtle mind to the fullest. However, they are the same in ways that you need to focus on something. One you focus on someone you love very much and the second you focus on the breathing of yourself. One could say that the exercise wants you to love yourself as much as you loved the person you were thinking of. Knowing that you love yourself helps you to love others. Of course, with the loving-kindness I had no frustration and with the subtle mind exercise I am very frustrated because I did not get to experience the whole thing. However, for a small time frame I was able to be connected with me. I was able to calm myself even after what my mind thought was a scary event. That is being in touch with myself and knowing that I don't hold onto negative things. That I can move from positive to negative and back to positive again. Being able to do this will help my physical state because I will not be tense and activate the pain that I experience in my neck and shoulders. My spiritual self can help the physical self.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

loving kindness track 1 & 2

Wow this exercise was very relaxing. My absolute favorite thing was hearing the waves hitting on the beach. I imagined being there and smelling the ocean air. The waves hitting on the rocks. My body ached before doing the exercise and when I was in my thoughts my ankles stopped hurting and my back didn't seem as achey.
I have to be honest, I have had company for the last three weeks and so this was the first time I had gotten to listen to the CD. I am going to practice my loving kindness in the morning. I have already scheduled it in my planner.
I have to say my experience was a peaceful calmness. I drifted from light to dark and then stayed in the dark until I could actually see myself on the beach. I don't know, my heart may not have been as opened as it should have been until I actually could see the beach. I think the exercise is beneficial to remember me. Sometimes throughout a day I forget to think of me and this would be a good time.
A mental workout is the progressive development of an expanded consciousness and its healing capacities; according to Dacher. Research shows that a person can find wholeness, happiness, and loving kindness towards self and others.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Unit 3 wellness

My physical well being is below average (3). I am over weight but I am taking steps to make that go away. The company I work for believes in a healthy employee and I am starting to really think about my health. I have been going to Curves at least 3 or 4 times a week and I am starting to eat right. I believe it is never too late!
My spiritual well being is intact and I would say I am average (5). I thank God every day for being alive and for all of the things I have. I have a wonderful family and a good job. I pray everyday. The one thing I do not do is go to church. I am a Catholic by birth and raised but really don't believe in all they had to say and I feel the same with the Baptist religion. I know who my maker is and where I am going and that is good enough for me.
My psychological well being; that is a tough one. I believe I am sane enough!(7) I do harbor some feelings about things that I could let go of and possibly even share.
My goals:
physical: I plan on stepping up my exercise plan and eating plan. This week I will go work out 4 times and eat less sweets.
spiritual and psychological: These will go together. I will sit for 2 times this week and try some meditation.
These goals can be achieved by me putting my mind to it and not setting myself up for failure. Push myself for that fourth workout and know what I am putting in my mouth.
The Crime of the Century exercise actually relaxed me so much; I fell asleep sitting in a chair. I will need to re-listen to it and see if I missed anything. LOL

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Journey On relaxation exercise

Well, I found this exercise to be very interesting.

I actually am freezing now that I have walked away from that comfortable spot.

I laid on my bed (with my dog) and listened to the exercise. I was laying on my left side with my knees tucked. My arms got warm but mostly my hands were hot. I was really in tune with the relaxation until I heard my dog snoring. It was kind of funny when I tried to lift my hands and he was right; I didn't want to move them.

Taking myself back and letting all of the blood flow go back to my abdomen was a little tougher to do. I am really feeling cold and no warmth at all now that I have stopped the exercise.

It really works when you focus your mind on one thing.


Welcome everyone to the new age of blogging. I don't know about any of you but this is all new to me and I am not sure if I am doing it right. Glad to be trying though.

Monday, March 29, 2010

New to this

This was kind of neat!!